
The recurrence would be :
F(N) = F(N-1) + F(N-2) + 2*F(N-3), for N>=3..

F(0) = F(1) = 1,
F(2) = F(1) + F(2) = 2

On Jan 11, 11:08 pm, Ravi Ranjan <ravi.cool2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Problem 1: Number of Tilings, (K Narayan Kumar, CMI)*
> You have to tile a room that is two units wide and *N* units long. You have
> with you two types of tiles: a rectangle that is one unit wide and two
> units long, and an L-shaped tile covering three square units. Here are
> pictures of the two types of tiles.
> [image: Figure 1]
> You are allowed to rotate the tiles when you lay them. You have an infinite
> supply of both types of tiles. Your objective is to calculate the number of
> different ways of tiling the room using these tiles.
> For instance, a 2×3 room can be tiled in 5 different ways, as follows:
> [image: Figure 2]
> Notice that a tiling can use both types of tiles. Consider, for instance,
> the following tiling of a 2×4 room.
> [image: Figure 3]
> Given *N*, your task is to determine the number of ways to tile a room of
> size 2×*N*. Since this number may be very large, it is sufficient to report
> the last four digits of the answer. For instance the number of ways to tile
> a 2×13 room is 13465. Your program should just print 3465. If the answer
> involves fewer than 4 digits then print the entire answer. For example, if *
> N* = 3 you should print 5.
> *Input format*
> A single integer *N*, indicating the size of the room.
> *Output format*
> The last four digits of the number of ways of tiling the 2×*N* room. If the
> answer involves fewer than 4 digits, print the entire answer.
> *Test Data:*
> You may assume *N* ≤ 1000000.
> *Example:*
> Here is the sample input and output corresponding to the example discussed
> above.
> *Sample Input*
> 13
> *Sample Output*
> 3465
> source::http://www.iarcs.org.in/inoi/2006/zio2006/zio2006-qpaper.pdf

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