@Pranav: This could fail if N > sqrt(maxint) and a sufficient number
of A[i] have the same value so that A[A[i]] > N*N, which overflows.


On Feb 15, 1:08 am, Pranav <meetpranav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Array 'A' contains N elements st A[i] <=k <N
> Now,
> Iterate over the array.
> Let k=A[i]
> If A[i] > N
> then k=A[i] mod N
> go to A[k] and write A[k] = A[k] + N
> So, lets take a sample array of size 5: 1,2,1,0,4
> i=0: k=A[i]=1; A[i] <5; A[1] = A[1] + 5 => A[1] = 7 => A = 1,7,1,0,4
> i=1: k=A[i]=7; A[i] > 5; k=A[i] mod N => k=2 => A[2] = A[2] + 5 =>
> A=1,7,6,0,4
> i=2: k=A[i]=6; A[i] > 5; k=A[i] mod N => k=1 => A[1] = A[1] + 5 =>
> A=1,12,6,0,4
> i=3: k=A[i]=0; A[i] < 5; k=0 => A[0] = A[0] + 5 => A=6,12,6,0,4
> i=4: k=A[i]=4; A[i] < 5; k=4 => A[4] = A[4] + 5 => A=6,12,6,0,9
> I'm using the fact that:
> (c*n + a) mod n =a
> Now, while searching, for say i=1,
> k=A[i] => k=12
> count=int(k/5)
> Let me know if any test case fails.

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