Dont know whether this is perfect solution but could be a great approach
Assumptions: all numbers are unsigned as given in the link provided by Dipit

If u see a bit arrangement of unsingned numbers having n bits then u will
find that
numbers  m & ((2^n) - 1- m) (i.e numbers whos addition is 2^n -1) have
maxium XOR which is ((2^n) - 1),

Even if u find numbers which have closer addition to ((2^n) - 1), but
maximum difference between them could have maximum XOR.
above is possible if u sort array

Solution may not be perfect as i have not tested it for many i/n as well as
I have not thought in depth.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Dipit Grover <> wrote:

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Rahul Patil

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