JVC is a multi-part algorithm which consists of a shortest augmenting
path algorithm (JV) followed by a modified auction algorithm (C). It
is best implemented as a sparse matrix. JVC is definitely an example
of efficiency requiring a significant increase in complexity. The code
implementing JVC is several times larger than Munkres or a standard
auction algorithm.

Here are some references:

The "JV" part is here

R. Jonker, A. Volgenant. A shortest augmenting
path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assign-
ment problems.Computing, Vol. 38, 1987, pp.325-

A thorough evaluation of JVC is here:

D.B. Malkoff. Evaluation of the Jonker-Volgenant-
Castanon (JVC) Assignment Algorithm for Track
Association Proceedings of the SPIE Aerosense'97
Conf. on Signal Proc., Sensor Fusion, and Target
Recognition, Vol. 3068, 1997, pp. 228-239.

A description of JVC is here:
O.E. Drummond, D.A. Castanon, M.S. Bellovin.
Comparison of 2-D Assignment for Sparse, Rect-
angular, Floating Point, Cost Matrix. Journal of
the SDI Panels on Tracking, Institute for Defense
Analyses, Issue No.4, 1990, pp.4-81 to 4-97.

On Mar 3, 10:15 pm, Dave <dave_and_da...@juno.com> wrote:
> @Don: I've looked for a description of Jonker-Volgenant-Castanon, but
> haven't found one. Can you provide a reference?
> Dave
> On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 11:53:22 AM UTC-6, Don wrote:
> > Dave's answer, the Hungarian Algorithm, is correct because it does
> > meet the requirements of the problem.
> > There is another algorithm called Jonker-Volgenant-Castanon (JVC)
> > which can be proven to be faster both on average and in worst case,
> > than the Hungarian Algorithm. Both solutions are sure to find the best
> > solution, which is not true of any ad hoc or greedy algorithm. For
> > years, the Munkres algorithm was the best known solution, but JVC is
> > significantly faster than Munkres.
> > Don
> > On Feb 28, 11:39 am, Don <dondod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Yes, the tags constrain him to buy exactly one candy from each row and
> > > each column.
> > > There is a slightly better algorithm than Hungarian.
> > > Don
> > > On Feb 28, 11:33 am, Dave <dave_and_da...@juno.com> wrote:
> > > > @Don: Based on your example, there seems to be an unstated requirement
> > > > that Bob can and must buy exactly one candy from each row and each
> > > > column.
> > > > This is an assignment problem (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
> > > > Assignment_problem), and can be solved in O(N^3) by the Hungarian
> > > > Algorithm (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_algorithm).
> > > > Dave
> > > > On Feb 28, 9:27 am, Don <dondod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Little Bob likes candy, and he wants to buy all the candy he can get
> > > > > for the smallest price. At the store there is a big table with candy
> > > > > arranged in an NxN grid. Each candy has a price, Pij where i is the
> > > > > row and j is the column in which the candy is located. The store
> > owner
> > > > > gives Bob N tags numbered 1..N. Bob can place one tag at the top of
> > > > > each column indicating the piece of candy he will buy from that
> > > > > column.
> > > > > Bob is smart enough to realize that he should not always buy the
> > least
> > > > > expensive candy. For example, consider this price grid:
> > > > >  1   20
> > > > >  5   50
> > > > > In this case, buying the candy priced 1 would force him to buy the
> > > > > candy priced 50, for a total cost of 51. He is better off buying the
> > > > > second candy in the first column, allowing him to buy the first
> > candy
> > > > > in the second column for a total price of 25.
> > > > > For a 2x2 case, considering all the possibilities is easy enough.
> > > > > There are only two choices. But as N increases, the number of ways
> > to
> > > > > select N candies increases as N!, and Bob doesn't have time for an
> > > > > algorithm which requires more than polynomial time to execute.
> > > > > What algorithm should Bob use to buy N pieces of candy for the
> > > > > smallest cost?- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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