
Could you please explain ur tree approach with an example? 


On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 02:52:17 UTC+5:30, Don wrote:
> I did that by building a tree in which each node stores the 
> configuration, including number of steps to that point, amount of 
> water in each bucket, and a pointer to the parent, sibling, and 
> leftmost child. Start out with one node with stepCount set to zero and 
> all the buckets empty. You want the solution with the least number of 
> steps, so use a breadth-first search. For each node, create a list of 
> children based on the following: 
> 1. For each bucket which is not full, fill it 
> 2. For each bucket which is not empty, empty it 
> 3. For each pair of buckets A and B where A is not empty and B is not 
> full, pour A into B 
> When you find a bucket with the desired amount of water, you can trace 
> back through the parent pointers to get the series of moves required 
> to get there. 
> If you just need the minimum number of steps, the problem is much 
> easier. Just use a 99x99x99 table D[99][99][99]. If the bucket 
> capacities are a,b,c, start with all table values set to a large value 
> except 
> D[a][0][0] = D[0][b][0] = D[0][0][c] = 1 
> Then iteratively start with all states with depth d and set all states 
> which can be reached from that state by a single step to d+1 if their 
> current depth is greater than d+1. You'll end up with a table of all 
> states reachable with the set of buckets, and the minimum number of 
> steps to reach each state. 
> Don 
> On Apr 1, 12:57 pm, bharat b <bagana.bharatku...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> >    A common puzzle asked during interviews is how to measure 4 liters of 
> >    water with just two uneven shaped buckets, one of 3 liter another of 
> 5 
> >    liter, in minimum number of steps. To extend and generalize this, 
> write a 
> >    program to evaluate the minimum number of steps to measure “X” liters 
> of 
> >    water, with “Y” buckets each having a separate denomination. The 
> >    assumptions and sample input/output as given below: 
> > 
> >    *Assumptions:* 
> > 
> >    * * 
> >    1.     Each bucket used for measuring water should be unique in 
> >       denomination and the number of buckets will be <= 3 
> >       2.     The target amount to be reached has to finally reside in a 
> >       single bucket (at the end of the measuring activity). 
> >       3.     The bucket capacities and target amount will be <= 99 
> >       4.     If there are multiple ways to measure the same amount, only 
> >       one way, having the minimum number of steps, has to be shown in 
> > the output. 
> >       If there are multiple minimum steps solutions present, displaying 
> one 
> >       solution should be enough. 
> >       5.     The console input as well as the output should be in single 
> >       line and in the format shown below. 
> >       6.     You can assume (not mandatory) minimum 2 steps will be 
> >       required. You can ignore the cases where solution can be 
> > achieved in single 
> >       step. 
> >       7.     You can assume that maximum 10 steps will be required to 
> reach 
> >       the target amount. If any solution requires more than 10 steps 
> > to reach the 
> >       target amount, you can stop the calculation and ignore that test 
> case. 
> > 
> >    *Input Format:* 
> > 
> >    The input will be of the following comma separated format – No. of 
> >    buckets, capacity of bucket 1, capacity of bucket 2, …, Target amount 
> >    desired. The following examples will provide more clarity 
> > 
> >    *Sl. No.* 
> >    *Input string* 
> >    *Explanation* 
> >    1 
> >    2,3,5,4 
> >    Implies that there are 2 buckets of capacity 3 and 5 lts each and the 
> >       target amount desired is 4 lts. 
> >    2 
> >    3,4,6,9,7 
> >    Implies that there are 3 buckets of capacity 4, 6 and 9 lts each and 
> the 
> >       target amount desired is 7 lts. 
> > 
> >    . 
> > 
> >    *Output Format:* 
> > 
> >    Each step should be a 11 bytes field left aligned & right padded with 
> >    spaces along with the right boundary as “|”. Together “|” character 
> the 
> >    length should be 12 characters. The following examples will provide 
> more 
> >    clarity 
> > 
> >    *Sl. No.* 
> >    *Input string* 
> >    *Expected Output String* 
> >    1 
> >    2,3,5,4 
> >    Fill 2     |Move 2 to 1|Empty 1    |Move 2 to 1|Fill 2     |Move 2 to 
> 1| 
> >    2 
> >    3,4,6,9,7 
> >    Fill 1     |Move 1 to 2|Fill 3     |Move 3 to 2| 
> > 
> >    * * 
> > 
> >    *Let’s explain 1**st**  output sample in more detail*: As explained 
> >    earlier, effectively the input 2,3,5,4 means there are 2 buckets of 
> >    capacity 3 liter and 5 liter and using these two buckets we have to 
> measure 
> >    4 liter (which is the target). 
> > 
> >       The answer is: Fill 2     |Move 2 to 1|Empty 1    |Move 2 to 
> 1|Fill 
> >       2     |Move 2 to 1| 
> > 
> >       Let’s explain the answer also for test case 1: 
> > 
> >    *Step #* 
> >    *Step Description* 
> >    *Status  of 3 liter bucket (Bucket 1)* 
> >    *Status  of 5 liter bucket (Bucket 2)* 
> >    *Explanation* 
> >    Step 1 
> >    Fill 2 
> >    0 
> >    5 liter 
> >    We are filling the 2nd bucket 
> >    Step 2 
> >    Move 2 to 1 
> >    3 liter 
> >    2 liter 
> >    Moving the liquid from bucket 2 to bucket 1. As Bucket 1 can take 2 
> >       liter. So, after moving Bucket 1 will contain 2 liter and 
> > remaining 3 liter 
> >       will be in bucket 2. 
> >    Step 3 
> >    Empty 1 
> >    0 
> >    2 liter 
> >    We have emptied the 1st bucket (Bucket 1). 
> >    Step 4 
> >    Move 2 to 1 
> >    2 liter 
> >    0 
> >    Moved all the liquid which was in bucket 2 to bucket 1 (i.e. 2 liter) 
> >    Step 5 
> >    Fill 2 
> >    2 liter 
> >    5 liter 
> >    Filled the 2nd bucket (5 liter) 
> >    Step 6 
> >    Move 2 to 1 
> >    3 liter 
> >    4 liter 
> >    If we try to move the liquid from bucket 2 to 1, then if we fill 
> bucket 
> >       1, 1 liter liquid will be reduced from bucket 2, as a result 
> > Bucket 2 will 
> >       contain (5-1)=4 liter . We achieved the target.

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