28 questions 120 min +1/-0.25

3 programming qs
1.to add two numbers stored in link list
2.to test is the given tree is a sumtree or not
3.to store numbers from a tree to a file and then retrieve those
values and buld the tree

Objective type qs
1. rec= fork();
rec= fork();
rec= fork();
rec= fork();

2).based Context free grammer

3.)given a heap of level order ()
a)add a number
b)extract 10
c)add 7
what is the new content of heap

4.)P1 -> P2 ; means P1 should be executed before P2
Every processes takes 1 timestamp to complete ; and processes on
multiprocessor platform takes 2 timestamps ; as P1 should be executed
before P2...such 8 processes were given : how much timestamp will they
take if there were 2 processors and 4 processors

5.) Match the following to match complexeties of sorting algo with
their name

6.)Given a link list last node is selected and moved to first and  '3'
most appropriate statements had to be selected

7.)One question on IP ..dat if a host can take multiple IPs or a Lan
can share IP addresses

8.)One  question to select the false statement :
Emin and Emax are the two edges of a graph ...
a)Emin should be included in minimum spanning tree
b)Emax cannot be a part  of min spanning tree
c) A graph can have only minimum spanning tree

9)one qs on recursion and tree.. and o/p had to be chosen

10)if der is 5*5 grid and three identical coins in how many ways can
dey they be placed such that a coins have no common row or col are
repeated..find number of ways possible
11) 3-4 qs on probablity (difficult)

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