I'm interested to see problems where tree implementation causes a
performance problem.  Example?

Choice of graph data structures is very problem-dependent. An
adjacency matrix will probably be fastest and simplest for dense
graphs.  For sparse ones there are many, many answers.

An efficient way to do n-ary trees (which are usually sparse graphs)
in C:

typedef struct node_s {
 // Use a fixed size array of NODE* if you know
 // the maximum number of children in advance.
 // Here we assume this isn't true.
 struct node_s **children;
 int n_children;

NODE *make_node(int max_children)
  // Allocate nodes in a single array if you know the max
  // number in advance.  Here we assume this isn't true.
  NODE *node = safe_malloc(sizeof *node);
  node->children = safe_malloc(max_children * sizeof *node->children);
  node-n_children = 0;
  return node;

void add_child(NODE *parent, NODE *child)
  parent->children[parent->n_children++] = child;

void walk

On May 29, 6:17 am, prakash y <yprakash....@gmail.com> wrote:
> How to implement complex data structures like trees (with unknown no.of
> subtrees) and graphs efficiently in C/Java?
> I have implemented binary trees in Java as it always contains two nodes.
> But I don't know about graphs.
> I am not able to solve these problems in coding contests because of this.
> Can anyone please suggest me?
> Thanks in advance.
> ~Prakash.

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