Requires review and comments:
My solution:

find the continuous increasing sequences from the input followed by 
continues decreasing array.
let there are k such array (continuous increase followed by continuous 
Now we have the trivial components. find sum for each such array.. and sum 
all those.

4 5 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 2 1 2 1 3 2 4  

trivial components from the above input are
(4 5 2) (3 6 5 4) (7 8 2 1) (2 1) (3 2) (4)
 1 2 1   2 3 2 1   2 3 2 1   2 1   2 1   2   <--- and candies for them are 
solutions for the trivial are simple..   

things become interesting when teacher arranges in circle instead of line..


On Sunday, 8 July 2012 08:26:11 UTC-4, g4ur4v wrote:

> Alice is a teacher of kindergarten. She wants to give some candies to 
> the children in her class.  All the children sit in a line and each 
> of them  has a rating score according to his or her usual 
> performance.  Alice wants to give at least 1 candy for each children. 
> Because children are somehow jealousy. Alice must give her candies 
> according to their ratings subjects to for any adjacent 2 children if 
> one's rating is higher than the other he/she must get more candies 
> than the other. Alice wants to save money so she wants to give as few 
> as candies in total. 
> Input 
> The first line of the input is an integre N, the number of children in 
> Alice's class. Each of the following N lines contains an integer 
> indicates the rating of each child. 
> Ouput 
> On the only line of the output print an integer describing the minimum 
> number of candies Alice must give. 
> Sample Input 
> 3 
> 1 
> 2 
> 2 
> Sample Ouput 
> 4 
> Explanation 
> The number of candies Alice must give are 1,2 and 1. 
> Constraints: 
> N and the rating  of each children is no larger than 10^5.

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