This is a linear time constant  space algorithm.
Assume the stocks prices are given in an array where index represents the 
day no . For ex a[365]  represents stock price on 365th day of year.

Find the min and max element in the array.
If the min comes before max, then return the dates- min to buy and max to 
But if the min comes after max,
     find the max element that comes after min i.e. maxRight
  & find the min element that comes before max i.e. minLeft
     Now find the difference (max - minLeft)   & ( maxRight - min) 
     return the dates for which the difference is higher.

void FindDaytoBuySellStock(int stocks[], int N)  // here N = 365
        int minPos = findMinPos(stocks);
        int maxPos = findMaxPos(stocks);
        if(minPos < maxPos )  {  BuyDate = minPos,SellDate = maxPos; }
                  minLeft = find min in array from 0 to maxPos-1
                  maxRight = find max in array from minPos+1 to N
                  int d1 = max - minLeft;
                  int d2 = maxRight - min;
                  if(d1 <= d2 ) {    BuyDate = minLeft,SellDate = max;  }
                  else{              BuyDate = min ,SellDate = maxRight; }

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