The actual size is system dependent because the language doesn't
specify the size of int or long int.
I'll assuming the common convention that sizeof(int)=4 and sizeof(long
The size of a union is the size of the largest element in the union.
So sizeof(D) = 5*sizeof(int)=20
C and B will be the same, because there is nothing bigger in any of
sizeof(A) will be 40 which is the size of an array of eight long ints.

On Dec 7, 5:42 am, zerobyzero <> wrote:
> what will be the size of union A ,B,C and D. also please explain the logic.
> * union A{*
> *          long int y[5];*
> *          union B{*
> *                double g;*
> *                union C{*
> *                      int k;*
> *                      union D{*
> *                            char ch;*
> *                            int x[5];*
> *                      }s;*
> *                }a;*
> *          }b;*
> *    }*p;*


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