To deal with multiples of 2 (only), you can refer the book

Parallel Programming in C With Mpi and Openmp - Michael Jay

There he also mentions about cache optimizatoin.

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 2:44 AM, Don <> wrote:

> I know that the Sieve of Eratosthenes is a fast way to find all prime
> numbers in a given range.
> I noticed that one implementation of a sieve spends a lot of time
> marking multiples of small primes as composite. For example, it takes
> 1000 times as long to mark off all of the multiples of five as it
> takes to mark off the multiples of 5003. In addition, when it is
> marking off the multiples of larger primes, most of them are multiples
> of small primes. In fact, if it could skip over multiples of 2,3,5,7,
> and 11, the sieve would be about 5 times faster.
> Can someone describe a way to make a sieve faster by not having to
> deal with multiples of the first few prime numbers?
> Don
> --


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