Trial division is fine for small numbers, perhaps up to 10 digits. But
think for a moment about what that would take for a 1000 digit number.
The square root of such a number is 500 digits. There are about 10^496
primes smaller than 10^500. If you have a billion computers each
checking a billion of those numbers every second, it would take 10^471
years to complete the trial division. For reference, the current age
of the universe is about 1.4*10^10 years.

There must be a better way. And there is. The most commonly used way
to determine if a number is prime, to a sufficiently high confidence,
is using the Miller Witness test. Each iteration of this test can be
performed by a computer in a fraction of a second for a 1000 digit
number. If any test fails, the number is composite. Each test which
passes increases the confidence that the number is prime. Trying ten
witness values is usually considered sufficient to accept that the
number is prime.

If you need to prove that a number is prime beyond the shadow of a
doubt, Elliptical Curve Primality Proof (ECPP) is an outstanding
algorithm. "Primo" is a Windows-based implementation of ECPP.

See for more information.


On Apr 14, 1:16 pm, payel roy <> wrote:
> You are to test whether a number if prime or not.
> Digit of that number can be as large as 1000. How do you do that?
> I was thinking of basic idea.
> a) First I shall calculate all primes which is less than the square root of
> the given number
> b) Will try to divide that given number by all this primes.
> Not sure how do I calculate the (a) part since number is huge.
> Any idea is welcome.

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