As my understanding take the input of traffic in time interval then some
all the job and divide them equally to processing unit(assumption
processing unit processing one job in one time units) so interval to time
is varies on the base how much time is taken by the process to assigned
work. One more assumption one work units is not further dividable.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: w.s miller <>
Sent: 15-04-2013 22:54
Subject: [algogeeks]

suppose we have n processing units.we have an incoming traffic which is to
distributed among them.but we have to take in mind that load is to be
equally distibuted and if one of the processing units goes down ,then we
have to distribute the traffic to rest of the processing units.Also when
the processing unit which is down comes up,then the traffic distribution is
to be handled ....

please suggest any suitable data structure or algorithm....


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