Colleagues, how about the following?  
At each start point, the total number of leaving elephants increases by 
one; at each end point, it decreases by one.  We:

1. form a vector of pairs: {5, +1}, {10, -1}, {6, +1}, {15, -1}, {2, +1}, 
{7, -1} ...  -- this takes O(N) time and O(N) additional space

2. Sort this vector by a) ascending .first; b) descending .second (so that 
if at the same time there are both newborn and just dead elephants, we 
count the overall number properly)  -- O(N* logN)

3. Scan the sorted vector keeping maximal value of the counter -- O(N)

int maxcount = 0, count = 0, index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
  count += v[i].second;
  if (count > maxcount)  {
    maxcount = count; index = i;

4. print 'maxcount' between v[index] and v[index+1]

On Thursday, February 21, 2013 4:40:17 AM UTC-5, NITHIN HOTKER wrote:
> Given life time of different elephants find *period when maximum number 
> of elephants lived.* 
> Eg [5, 10], [6, 15], [2, 7] etc. year in which max no elephants exists.
> When this is put on paper the answer is [6,7] .
> Is it*  [Max(start interval),Min(end interval)] * such that start < end 
> interval ?? I've checked this for 2-3 cases and it works .
> Given another interval , find set of intervals in which given point lies . 
> This could be done using augumented data-structure using Tree .
> Let's create a balanced BST using the asc order {2,5,6,7,10,15}
> What after this ???

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