Given an array of positive numbers arranged in any order. You have to find
the length of longest continuos(difference of +1, -1) sequence in the array.

for eg.
A[] = *5*, 20, 45, *3*, 98, *4*, 21, *1*, 99, *2*

then longest continuos subsequence is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and hence the output
should be *"5"*, the length of this sequence.

Other Continuos sequence are -

[20, 21]
[98, 99]

A[i] can be > 10^6, so hashing is not an option.

Possible Approach is by sorting and time complexity will be O(nlogn).

Does anyone have better approach for this ?

Thanks and Regards,
Amol Sharma

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