I just stumbled upon this one (I know, a little late).  At least this 
way...  it's too late to be helpful if it was a Homework assignent.  :-)

This is one of those problems that, at first, appears difficult,  but , 
upon closer inspection, turns out to have a very straight forward 
(elegant?) solution.

Take any two adjacent values from the list...  call them      a  &   b

In the worst case scenario,  the value of   a  is higher than the value of 
b...     a > b

Therefore,   we need an  X  value that solves the inequality....   a - X  < 
  b + X

Rearrange this  equation just slightly to another equivalent equation...   
a - b  <  2X

This indicates that a slightly different (but, still equivalent) problem 
can be solved to arrive at a correct solution.

Only allow values from 0 to 2X,  [0,2X]  to be added to the original values 
in the array (ie. no subtractions).  This simplifies things greatly and 
allows for a clear algorithm solution that can be easily performed in a 
single pass through the array.  Essentially, you find a value of 2X that 
works... then divide that in half, and convert the resulting float type 
value to a whole integer value to get the final  X value that solves the 
'original' problem statement.
The fortran code below has been tested and appears to work just fine.
The real algorithm of note is the function routine:    *FUNCTION 
TransformArray( v ).*
Note that the important code is only 7 simple lines long and should
be easy to recode in most any language.
It runs extremely fast,  even for array sizes of 10000.
There's also 'fluff' code here, written to test multiple test sets to check 
the value of X arrived and to time everything. at is the desired answer.

Does anyone know of any Practical applications for this algorithm??  I'm 
guessing it's just an interesting problem.

Dan    :-)

Module Transform


*   Function TransformArray( v )   Result(x)   
!---------------------------------------------------   ! Find a minium X 
value to transform the array, v(:)   ! Transformed array values can be 
negative.  It is a trivial task to   ! alter this to guarantee no negative 
values in the transformed array.   
   Integer, intent(in)  :: v(:)
   Integer              :: x
   Integer              :: i, b
   x = 0
   b = v(1)
   Do i = 2, Size(v)
      b = Max( b+1,   v(i) )
      x = Max(  x , b-v(i) )
   End Do
   x = Ceiling( x/2.0 )          ! smallest integer greater/equal to the 
*   End Function TransformArray*

   Subroutine Validate_X( v, x )
   ! Given a value of x, see if the array can be successfully transformed
   ! This is merely code to see if the X value arrived at is correct.
   Integer, intent(in)  :: v(:)
   Integer, intent(in)  :: x
   Integer, allocatable :: vt(:), xt(:)
   Integer              :: i, n

   n = Size(v)
   Allocate( vt(n), xt(n) )

   vt(1) = v(1) - x
   xt(1) = -x

   Do i = 2, n
      vt(i) = Max( vt(i-1)+1, v(i)-x )
      xt(i) = vt(i)-v(i)
   End Do

   write(*,'(a,29999i6)')  '  v = ', v
   write(*,'(a,29999i6)')  ' xt = ', xt
   write(*,'(a,29999i6)')  ' vt = ', vt

   If(   Any( abs(xt) > x )   ) Then
      write(*,'(a)'     )  ' A higher x value was required during the 
      write(*,'(a,i0,a)')  ' X = ', x,  '  does not work.'
   End If

   If(  Any( vt(1:n-1) >= vt(2:n) )   ) &
   write(*,'(a)')  ' ERROR: Transformed array is not in "Strictly 
Ascending" order!'

   End Subroutine Validate_X

End Module Transform

Program Main
Use Transform
Implicit None
Integer, parameter   :: nmax=10000
Integer              :: n, x
Integer, allocatable :: v(:)
Real,    allocatable :: r(:)
Integer              :: it1, it2

Allocate( v(nmax), r(nmax) )

call timer(it1)
write(*,*) 'Test Case #1:  array size = 5,  Easy to check'
n = 5
v(1:n) = (/5,4,3,2,8/)
Call Solve_for_X()
write(*,*) '------------------------------------------'

write(*,*) 'Test Case #2  array size = 8,  Easy to check'
n = 8
v(1:n) = (/8,12,7,15,10,20,12,16/)
Call Solve_for_X()
write(*,*) '------------------------------------'

write(*,*) 'Test Case #3:  array size = 10000  w/ random array values up to 
n = 10000
Call Random_Seed()
Call Random_Number( r(1:n) )
v(1:n) = 1 + Int(999*r(1:n))
Call Solve_for_X()
write(*,*) '------------------------------------'

call timer(it2)
write(*,*) 'Total time = ', Real(it2-it1)/100.0


   Subroutine Solve_for_X()
   x = TransformArray( v(1:n) )
   write(*,'(a,i0)') ' X minimum = ', x

   Call Validate_X( v(1:n), x )

   ! Check to see if a smaller X value would have worked
   write(*,'(a,i0,a)') ' Check to see if x = ', x-1, '  will work:'
   Call Validate_X( v(1:n), x-1 )
   End Subroutine Solve_for_X

End Program Main

*Test Case #1:  array size = 5,  Easy to check*
X minimum = 3
 v =      5     4     3     2     8
xt =     -3    -1     1     3    -2
vt =      2     3     4     5     6

Check to see if x = 2  will work:
 v =      5     4     3     2     8
xt =     -2     0     2     4    -1
vt =      3     4     5     6     7
A higher x value was required during the transformation.
X = 2  does not work.

*Test Case #2  array size = 8,  Easy to check*
X minimum = 5
 v =      8    12     7    15    10    20    12    16
xt =     -5    -5     1    -5     1    -5     4     1
vt =      3     7     8    10    11    15    16    17

Check to see if x = 4  will work:
 v =      8    12     7    15    10    20    12    16
xt =     -4    -4     2    -4     2    -4     5     2
vt =      4     8     9    11    12    16    17    18
A higher x value was required during the transformation.
X = 4  does not work.

*Test Case #3:  array size = 10000  w/ random array values up to 999*
X minimum = 5466
 v =    422   430   670    62    37   561   287  :  :  :   565   664   
389   273
xt =  -5466 -5466 -5466 -4857 -4831 -5354 -5079  :  :  :  4923  4825  5101  
vt =  -5044 -5036 -4796 -4795 -4794 -4793 -4792  :  :  :  5488  5489  5490  

Check to see if x = 5465  will work:
 v =    422   430   670    62    37   561   287  :  :  :   565   664   
389   273
xt =  -5465 -5465 -5465 -4856 -4830 -5353 -5078  :  :  :  4924  4826  5102  
vt =  -5043 -5035 -4795 -4794 -4793 -4792 -4791  :  :  :  5489  5490  5491  
A higher x value was required during the transformation.
X = 5465  does not work.
Total time =  9.99999978E-03

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