  i found this question online and its solution too....But i am not able to
fully understand the solution.Need your help to proof correctness of the

Question is as follows :-


*Given an array A and a number S', provide an efficient algorithm (nlogn)
to find a number K such that if all elements in A greater than K are
changed to K, the sum of all elements in the resulting array will be S'.*

*Example, given A: [90,30,100,40,20] and S' = 210, K will be 60.*


#!/usr/bin/env python

A = [90, 30, 100, 40, 20]

S = 210

K = 60

A    = sorted(A)

prev = 0

sum  = 0

for index, value in enumerate(A):

    # What do we need to set all subsequent values to to get the desired sum?

    solution = (S - sum) / (len(A) - index)

    # That answer can't be too big or too small.

    if prev < solution <= value:

        print solution

    sum += value

    prev = value

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