Here is brief list of background concepts needed to understand the problem

- Space Filling Curves (SFC) : Morton codes are one particular kind of SFC 
implmeentation. Gray code and Hilber code are two more types of SFCs that 
can be generated
- Binary tree and traversal
- Prefix trees
- Basic sorting
- Conceptual understanding of Octree/Quadtree 


On Tuesday, 10 June 2014 16:10:42 UTC+5:30, nurabha wrote:
> I am going to discuss a difficult problem related to geometrical 
> algorithms for space partitioning (2d, 3d, hyperspace).  
> The problem is concerning a special kind of tree called *Octree*(in 3d) 
> or *Quadtree*(2d). 
> The Octree/Quadtree structures are used to hierarchically partition 
> objects present inside 3d or 2d space.
> There was a recent paper from NVIDIA which proposes a fast algorithm for 
> constructing *Octree*. 
> Here is the link to the paper: 
> The author proposes constructing the Octree using another primitive kind 
> of tree called* binary radix tree. *
> *The Octree construction as described in paper consists of of seven steps: 
> *
>> (1) calculate Morton codes for the points, 
>> (2) sort the Morton codes, 
>> (3) identify duplicates, i.e. points falling within the same leaf node, 
>> by comparing each pair of adjacent Morton codes, 
>> (4) remove the duplicates using parallel compaction, 
>> (5) construct a binary radix tree, 
>> *(6) perform parallel prefix sum to allocate the octree nodes, and *
>> *(7) find the parent of each node. *
> I am working on implementing this algorithm and so far I have understood 
> and implementing steps (1-5) of the algorithm in the paper. 
> *However the final 2 steps i.e step 6 and 7  in the paper are not 
> described properly and I am having hard time understanding it*.
> *Below is the paragraph which offers some explanation about steps 6 and 7 
> (copy pasted verbatim from paper) but not in a clear way*
> *Octrees. To construct an octree for a set of points, we observe that each 
>> 3k-bit prefix of a given Morton code maps directly to an octree node at 
>> level k.*
>> *We can enumerate these prefixes by looking at the edges of a 
>> corresponding binary radix tree - an edge connecting a parent with a prefix 
>> of length Dparent *
>> *to a child with a prefix of length Dchild represents all subprefixes of 
>> length Dparent+1, ....Dchild. *
>> *Out of these, Floor( Dchild/3 ) - Floor( Dparent/3 ) are divisible by 3. 
>> *
>> *We evaluate these counts during radix tree construction, and then 
>> perform a parallel prefix sum to allocate the octree nodes. *
>> *The parents of the octree nodes can then be found by looking at the 
>> immediate ancestors of each radix tree node.*
> I am trying to decipher the algorithm for final 2 steps but it is proving 
> a bit difficult as I am not an algorithm expert.
> If anyone is willing to spend time to with me to solve this problem, I 
> will be more than happy.  ;)
> Thanks
> N.

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