On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:41:33 AM UTC-4, bujji wrote:
> Suppose that we are given a sequence of n values x1, x2, ..., xn and seek 
> to
> quickly answer repeated queries of the form: given i and j, find the 
> smallest value
> in xi, . . . , xj .
> Design a data structure that uses O(n) space and answers queries in O(log 
> n)
> time. For partial credit, your data structure can use O(n log n) space and 
> have
> O(log n) query time.
You can use a segment tree representing the range 1..n.  Each tree node 
stores the sequence index of the minimum element in the represented 
segment. Querying this structure for a range i..j is just finding all 
the nodes that represent included subranges and taking the min. How 
many can that be?  It is easy to show that a recursive search from the root 
will have to look at most two nodes per tree level. Therefore the query is 
O(2  log n) = O(log n).  The tree is best represented in a simple array, 
since it is nearly complete like an array-based heap.  This array 
will elements 2n-1 elements if n is a power of 2 or at most another factor 
of 2 if n is arbitrary, so space is clearly O(n). 

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