Don <dondodson@...> writes:

> JVC is a multi-part algorithm which consists of a shortest augmenting
> path algorithm (JV) followed by a modified auction algorithm (C). It
> is best implemented as a sparse matrix. JVC is definitely an example
> of efficiency requiring a significant increase in complexity. The code
> implementing JVC is several times larger than Munkres or a standard
> auction algorithm.
> Here are some references:
> A description of JVC is here:
> O.E. Drummond, D.A. Castanon, M.S. Bellovin.
> Comparison of 2-D Assignment for Sparse, Rect-
> angular, Floating Point, Cost Matrix. Journal of
> the SDI Panels on Tracking, Institute for Defense
> Analyses, Issue No.4, 1990, pp.4-81 to 4-97.

Does anybody know where I can find/purchase this reference? I can't find it
on SPIE and googling didn't turn up anything either. It is
referenced a lot, so I am wondering where everyone is finding it.


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