
I'm using v 5.666. I keep winamp around 90% because of the great equalizer
and playlist editor. I don't have any issue with removable drives but I have
turned all autoplay type features off in Windows. If I want to play stuff
from a removable drive, I select the folders using file explorer and add
them to a playlist.

-----Original Message-----
From: all-audio@groups.io <all-audio@groups.io> On Behalf Of Brian Olesen
Sent: October 6, 2018 3:29 AM
To: all-audio@groups.io
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Diferences between Winamp and VLC?

Hi Casey,
Well I didn't know that Winamp works under Windows 10. What version do you
use. I remember there was some bad issues with removable drives I couldn't
figure out how to disable.

Best regards

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: all-audio@groups.io <all-audio@groups.io> På vegne af JM Casey
Sendt: 6. oktober 2018 00:05
Til: all-audio@groups.io
Emne: Re: [all-audio] Diferences between Winamp and VLC?

The VlC equalizer is certainly a lot less convenient to set and save
settings than the Winamp one using a screen-reader. One can easily adopt any
of the presets, but saving your own settings requires messing with the
not-too-accessible filters within the preferences dialog box. Actually the
whole design is weird and I wish that Video Lan gave the ability to easily
save and load multiple equalizer settings in VLC.

Just curious, but why not have both programmes? I watch a lot of movies,
especially with my sighted partner, and VLC is without doubt  an awesome
video player and far more versatile and just better at this than winamp ever
was. However, I still use Winamp for my audio needs and it works exceedingly
well for this purpose even in Windows 10.

-----Original Message-----
From: all-audio@groups.io <all-audio@groups.io> On Behalf Of Brian Olesen
Sent: October 5, 2018 5:50 PM
To: all-audio@groups.io
Subject: [all-audio] Diferences between Winamp and VLC?

Hi all you nice audiofiles,

Well I use VLC myself, but I have an old fascion student, who prefers

I want to persuade him to do the switch.

But how is it with information about timing lenghth of files in minutes and
seconds and such. Can we easily get to that info also in VLC?

Are there other fields where VLC lacks information compared to Winamp?

Is it actually the other way around?


Best regards


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