Would someone please repeat the address for the "play this" download?



On 11/26/2018 4:06 PM, Curtis Delzer wrote:
and I discovered, plus all you told me, f5 raises the speed of speech,
f4 decreases. F10 puts you in a place to donate.
Curtis Delzer, HS.
San Bernardino, CA

On Mon, 26 Nov 2018 15:38:14 -0600
"Gerardo Corripio" <gera1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Ok when you’ve installed Play this, you have to be on the MP3 file wanting to 
play, or files. Afterwards you go to th the Context menu, and from Send to, you 
should see an option called Play this, in which you press Enter. Ocasionally 
though, you’ll see a message about dnating etc., which you just press enter and 
itll go away, letting you use the the program as I’ll describe below:
OK so the file starts playing; Control+p for pause; Control+s for Stop; space 
to pause too I almost forgot. F8 and f9 lowers and raises the volume. Alt+f4 so 
that lay this can remember you left off. Hope this helps some.

Enviado desde mi iPhone SE de Telcel

El 26 nov 2018, a la(s) 12:22 p. m., Curtis Delzer <cur...@calweb.com> escribió:

Someone sent the link to "play this," a little utility which plays *.mp3
files in such a way as to make them accessible to marking or beginning
from where they left off, etc.  Well I don't speak Italian, so the f1
instructions I cannot make head nor tail of, so if someone has
translated or can translate, or, :) better yet will be give me a quick
key scenario, I'd sure appreciate it.
Curtis Delzer, HS.
San Bernardino, CA

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