Tom, before you make any big changes is a good time to make copies of all your important stuff on a drive that can be disconnected from the computer and store it away in the interim. Maybe it should have been done before updating theTapin Radio.

On 6/8/2023 1:16 PM, JM Casey wrote:
Hey Tom.
No. It doesn't touch anything like that. Only programmes and settings. Your 
user profile should be safe.

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Tom Kaufman
Sent: June 8, 2023 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Major Problem With Tapin Radio: Can Anyone Help?

For now, my question about restore is this: if I've recorded anything (am 
working on a project that isn't quite finished yet) so if I go and restoring 
things, am I going to lose my work?  Can't do that if that's the case!
Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of JM Casey
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2023 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Major Problem With Tapin Radio: Can Anyone Help?

Hey Tom.
The touch cursor is activated with shift + numpad plus if you are on the 
desktop layout. However, the workaround I think he is talking about involves 
activating the jaws cursor, then going to virtual  cursor mode, or possibly 
routing jaws to PC, in order to fix the problem that both edge and chrome share.
Sorry, I can't really walk you through system restore at the moment, but can come back 
later. In the meantime, you can type "system restore" into the search box in 
windows, and see if you have any recent restore points. If it's recent enough for your 
liking, you can revert to it, and get your old version back. You will also lose anything 
you installed or modified in settings after the restore point was made. If you haven't 
manually turned on system restore, the most recent restore point might be from some time 
ago. I believe large windows updates still automatically generate them, but automatic 
system restore is off in Windows now for some reason.

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Tom Kaufman
Sent: June 8, 2023 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Major Problem With Tapin Radio: Can Anyone Help?

Merv:  When you say "touch cursur"  not sure I know what you mean!  Also, I 
forgot to mention that I'm running Chrome (not Edge) hope this helps!
Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Merv Keck via
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2023 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Major Problem With Tapin Radio: Can Anyone Help?

When you encounter the issue in tappin, try activating the touch cursor and 
then going back to the PC cursor.
I have Jaws 2023 and the paid version of Tappin. However, I need to reinstall 
Tappin in order to update and test this as I have not installed it yet on my 
windows 11 Pro. If this work around is successful then we just have to wait for 
Microsoft to fix Edge.

On Jun 8, 2023, at 12:09 PM, Tom Kaufman <> wrote:

Merv and list:  Am running Windows 10 and Jaws 2023; hopefully this is 
something that can be resolved...and the sooner, the better!
Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Merv Keck
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2023 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Major Problem With Tapin Radio: Can Anyone Help?

What screen reader and version are you using? I’m wondering if it is the recent 
bug that is going around that is affecting some applications. This is not 
limited to Edge and mail but can affect other applications.

On Jun 8, 2023, at 10:28 AM, Tom Kaufman <> wrote:

Hello Listers:  Since 2013, I have been running the paid version of
Tapin Radio; I think it's a good program for recording internet
stations and the like!  But yesterday, I got the notification that an
update was available, so since (for the most part) I've not had
problems before, I went on and did the update.a bad mistake, for now
I have a program that will do nothing.absolutely nothing but crash as
soon as it opens!  My only options are to "do nothing and cancel
or.well.there's this thing that says "edit".seems like there's
another thing.but am unable to do anything with it!  I've written to
Ramersoft a couple of times, but no response!  Usually, Phillip
Oldaker (guess he's the owner and proprietor of Tapin Radio) usually
will respond and we've been able to resolve whatever problem I've
had!  But this time, I get nothing!  So can anyone help me?  Without
Tapin Radio, I'll be very limited as to what I can record; I have
used Total Recorder before, but this means that whenever I want to
record, then I cannot use the computer for anything on account of the
fact that Jaws would get all over my recording (for those who don't
know, Tapin Radio records directly from the internet; I can do
anything I want to on my PC, but doesn't bother the recording
whatsoever!  So if anyone can tell me what I must do to get Tapin
Radio up-and-running again, I sure would appreciate it!  I thought
about uninstalling (the re-installing) it, but my pea sized brain can't 
remember (with Windows 10) how you get rid of a program!  So your help and 
wisdom will be much appreciated!

Tom Kaufman

Nobody shoots at Santa Claus.

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