its ok. mine says when i open it 5.92. it works fine.

On 2/16/2024 7:09 PM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
Sorry Dennis, but it wants to download 5.92; am pretty sure I got the right thing you're pointing me 
toward, but it wants to install 5.92!  BTW-it says "full" so it looks to me that one can no 
longer get Winamp 5.91; there may be absolutely no difference, but what I know is that Winamp 5.92 looks 
different, unless there is something I've not done or something I'm doing wrong!  As I mentioned a 
little earlier, doesn't seem to matter how I have that "skin" thing set, it doesn't change 
whether you have it on Classic or New!"
Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----  <>  On Behalf Of dennis
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

ok go to

arrow down the page until you see

If you feel a bit nostalgic you can
   the windows version 5.91.

the download is the link to download 5.91.

On 2/16/2024 5:07 PM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
Okay Dennis...tell me again _exactly_ how to get this 5.91?  Best I can tell, 
the oldest it had is 5.92!
Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----   <>   On Behalf Of dennis
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 6:04
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

yes because i got 5.91.

On 2/16/2024 4:56 PM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
Okay...I shut Jaws down...although I've had an occasion to restart the computer recently, thus, 
Jaws would have shut down then as well!  So let's try some of these again; am pretty sure it told 
me that Winamp was in "Classic mode" it don't look like "classic" to 
me!  I thought Dennis said I could get 5.91 (I think that's what I really was supposed to get; 
aw...but it's not on that Winamp page; not as far as I can tell!
Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----    <>    On Behalf Of JM Casey
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem


Never used that keystroke either. But it appears to be working here. That is a 
JAWS thing though, not a winamp keystroke.

The length will show in the playlist editor still though even if that thing 
doesn't work.

After a test, it appears that alt-r function you are talking about is also a 
little goodie Freedom Scientific threw in. So, it sounds like your jaws winamp 
commands aren't working right now, or at least some of them. When was the last 
time you restarted jaws?

You did set it to classic, right?

That bar thing that you mentioned, I don't know what it is, but it's probably 
something that was there in older versions, too, and which got turned off. I 
really don't think they changed the look of Winamp at all.

-----Original Message-----    <>    On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: February 16, 2024 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

Okay...apparently (with this newer Winamp) one can no longer get the length of 
a track; used to be, you could do Insert-control-T (at least I think I'm right) 
and it'd tell you how long the file is; it's  not working now...unless you do 
it differently!

Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----

From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Tom Kaufman

Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 5:20 PM


Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

Well there's this long narrow bar across the screen for one thing; another 
thing: although it does say that I can jump to the end of the track with alt-R, 
it doesn't work; instead, it says I _must_ be inside the Winamp main window or 
playlist editor (which I believe I am) but whenever I do alt-R, that's the 
message I get!  I think that that 5.9.1 is what I was supposed to get, but 
don't think it's listed in my downloads!


-----Original Message-----

From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of JM Casey

Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 5:15 PM


Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

How does it look different? I can't see anything and the interface seems 
exactly the same as it always has been using the classic mode.

-----Original Message-----

From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Tom Kaufman

Sent: February 16, 2024 5:12 PM


Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

Well it looks different; I have it set to classic skins, but this doesn't look 
like my old Winamp; at least it seems to be doing what it's supposed to do; I 
can advance through the file and probably other things!


-----Original Message-----

From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of JM Casey

Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 5:07 PM


Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

No, you got the right one. There's only the latest one there.

DO you use the library? I don't. But I'd still pick full anyway I guess. Run 
the installer again and try it.

-----Original Message-----

From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Tom Kaufman

Sent: February 16, 2024 5:04 PM


Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

Well...I think it gave me the wrong one as it gave me (I think) 5.92; that's as far back as it'd go; now 
it's telling me "not able to display library (or something) I chose "standard" should I 
have chosen "full?"

Tom Kaufman, who's sorry to be such a pain; am just not seeing the vervage I 
expect to see!

-----Original Message-----

From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of JM Casey

Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 5:00 PM


Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem


Don't worry about that. It just means the download was successful, and the 
executable is now in your downloads folder. You'll see that message from your 
browser from now on when you download stuff, unless there's another change to 

-----Original Message-----

From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Tom Kaufman

Sent: February 16, 2024 4:51 PM


Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

Guys:  I just don't know!  I go (on the Winamp page) to where it says "download!"  
However, I'm presented with a message like "this dialog is not focused; then it says to 
hit alt-shift-A to focus soap; alt-shift-A does nothing!  Now what do I do?

Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----

From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of dennis

Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 4:15 PM


Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem

here it is.


go down to almost the bottom of the page. there is a link that says

On 2/16/2024 3:09 PM, Tom Kaufman wrote:

Okay...something is wrong!  I typed in, but am getting something 
that says Player.winamp (or some such mess) anyhow I searched for Winamp 5.91, 
for I think this is what you're saying I want!  But it says it can't find 
anything that matches my search!  So could you send me a direct link to the 
page that has the Winamp version I need?  Thanks!
Tom Kaufman
-----Original Message-----     <<>>  On Behalf Of dennis
Sent: Friday, February 16,
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem i just installed
5.91 and everything is ship shape. tom go ahead and download from 
all my pluggins also seam to work just fine.
On 2/16/2024 12:38 PM, dennis via wrote:
i'll take a look. i downloaded the 9.1 and will see how it works.
if it doesn't i can always re install 09 over it.
On 2/16/2024 12:36 PM, JM Casey wrote:
I just checked to make sure, and while they seem to have changed
the layout a bit in th e last few months, the download link is
indeed there on the page. The version number is 5.91.
You can still use plugins, since winamp pretty much relies on them
to work, however some old plugins may not function anymore. Some
were built in to winamp, like the gracenote plugin. The new
version I believe removes one or two that were part of the
programme. All winamp archive downloads contain a version change
log that goes back at least 20 years, so you can see exactly what
has been done with the different versions, but most of it is
pretty technical behind the scenes stuff that doesn't mean much to the average 
If you still have old winamp plugins that you got yourself and
that you like, you can try them -- I don't think I really use any
myself, but they should work still.
-----Original Message-----     <<>>   On Behalf Of dennis
Sent: February 16, 2024 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem do you have it and
do the pluggins still work as before?i heard that you couldn't use
pluggins any more.
On 2/16/2024 12:28 PM, JM Casey wrote:
Hey Dennis.
I think you're letting the main page confuse you a bit.
They want you to sign up for an online radio service. I guess
they make money through this soehow now, probably throughs
ponsors or something. But that isn't the latest version of
winamp. The latest version of winamp is v5.9, and it is available from
-----Original Message-----     <<>>    On Behalf Of dennis
Sent: February 16, 2024 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem the latest
version is an online based version. it doesn't opperate as the
previous versions.
On 2/16/2024 11:55 AM, JM Casey wrote:
Why not just download the latest version from
Is there any reason you decided not to?
Not that it's necessary or that important; older versions seem
to work mostly fine, but if you're going to re-install, you may
as well update.
-----Original Message----- <<>> On Behalf Of Tom Kaufman
Sent: February 16, 2024 12:10
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem Hi Dennis:  So
refresh my memory: where do I go to re-install Winamp?  Thanks!
Tom Kaufman
-----Original Message----- <<>> On Behalf Of dennis
Sent: Friday, February 16,
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Another Winamp Problem i still think
you should re install over that version.
On 2/15/2024 11:55 PM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
Hello again list:  I have another problem with Winamp; often
when I open Winamp to play something, the commands won't work;
not able to advance through the file; not able to adjust the get the idea!  Every so often, I can alt tab away
(then alt-tab back to it again.  Sometimes this will work, but not all of the 
Can anyone tell me what could be going on here and how to make
this player work right again?  I at least am getting the main
window to show, but sometimes.let's say I want to pause the
file; can't always do it and can't understand why!  Thanks for
any ideas you may have to get this thing working right again!
Tom Kaufman
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