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Dear kerri,
I'm writing to update you on several recent initiatives related to animals and 
religion at Humane Society International. This October, groups around the world 
celebrated animals and HSI helped dogs and their owners in Iran. Also, share 
your own story of how an animal has influenced your faith. 

      The Blessing of the Animals: Celebrating Animals Worldwide
The Blessing of the Animals -- held every year on or around October 4 -- has 
become a worldwide festival celebrated by a variety of religions in recognition 
of our animal friends. This year, HSI asked many of the groups we work with 
around the globe to share with us their celebrations of this event. From Peru 
to Saipan to Cameroon, churches and communities came together to honor all 
      Iran: Government Crackdown on Pets Halted
Harassment of petkeepers by officials in Tehran subsided in mid-October after 
an international outcry that included a formal letter of protest from HSI and a 
one-hour Voice of America Farsi-language broadcast on the subject that reached 
an estimated 14 million Iranian homes. Read Dr. Unti's account of how he helped 
give pets and the people who love them a voice.
      Share Your Story: How Has an Animal Influenced Your Faith?
The new Animals & Religion program works with religious institutions and 
individuals to spread compassion for all animals. We want to hear your 
inspirational stories of how animals have played a meaningful role in your 
spiritual life. 
Click here to submit your story now!
 Our supporters and advocates are the key to the success of HSI's efforts to 
protect animals from cruel and inhumane treatment. If you have suggestions for 
improving our communications with you, please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Andrew Rowan
Chief Executive Officer
Humane Society International 

P.S. Don't forget to invite your friends to join our online community and speak 
up for animals, too.
          Copyright ©2007 Humane Society International (HSI) | All Rights 
Humane Society International | 2100 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20037 USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 301-258-3010 |

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 The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who 
 are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. 
 -Albert Einstein 

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