
was man hier alles erfaehrt... sollte da nicht auch jemand von uns auflaufen? 
Na, spontan genug?


-------- Ausschnitt --------------
Subject: [wsfii-coord] Re: your travel plans?
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 01:43:53 +0200
To: "Arun Mehta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear dear Arun and All  !  :-)
And already Sunday the 8.th of October my move towards India really starts, 
as I go to Stralsund University in Nothern Germany with my technical crew to 
be equipped with research knowledge on WiMax, to give on in India. While I 
am at Stralsund University I will be the main lecturer Monday the 9.th, at a 
broadband conference for Nothern Germany.

As I happens to be the leader of all the transnational pilotprojects 
concerning building and running rural broadband infrastructures in the 
Baltic Rural Broadband Project I have for Tuesday called together all the 
wireless broadband technicians from the whole Baltic area, to meet and 
coordinate our endavour, at Bernhard Stütz institute at Stralsund 
University. Bernhard and his crew has done both WiFi and WiMax field 
research so that we can compare the results !, and we all agree that besides 
sharing the knowledge among ourselves we need me to bring the results to 
India. The researchers have been preparing a report document for India !

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [wsfii-coord] Re: your travel plans?
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 01:43:53 +0200
To: "Arun Mehta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear dear Arun and All  !  :-)

Sorry to have been so completely occupied locally in Europe with all our 
different projects, so that there has been no time to even answer and no 
time to participate in the detailing of the planning of the upcoming 
WSFII, - and not much time to sleep either  ;-) I have had to manage a lot 
and fortunately I seem to succeed . . .  ;-)

But now I am turning my path towards India. I start travelling by the 15.th 
of October and stay in India until the 15.th of November. In other words for 
a whole month :-)

Please start to plan what I can be used for as I will give Dharamsala, 
Radaur and India my whole attention, competances and knowledge for whatever 
it is worth, while I am there :-)
I would of cause be very glad to participate and contribute at the meeting 
with the people from the IT ministry in Delhi at the 19.th !

At the moment I am in Sweden participating in a deciding meeting about 
landscape network for all the rural areas around the Baltic Sea, but I will 
be back on Djursland by Friday.
And already Sunday the 8.th of October my move towards India really starts, 
as I go to Stralsund University in Nothern Germany with my technical crew to 
be equipped with research knowledge on WiMax, to give on in India. While I 
am at Stralsund University I will be the main lecturer Monday the 9.th, at a 
broadband conference for Nothern Germany.

As I happens to be the leader of all the transnational pilotprojects 
concerning building and running rural broadband infrastructures in the 
Baltic Rural Broadband Project I have for Tuesday called together all the 
wireless broadband technicians from the whole Baltic area, to meet and 
coordinate our endavour, at Bernhard Stütz institute at Stralsund 
University. Bernhard and his crew has done both WiFi and WiMax field 
research so that we can compare the results !, and we all agree that besides 
sharing the knowledge among ourselves we need me to bring the results to 
India. The researchers have been preparing a report document for India ! - 
To benefit both the WSFII and the Mission 2007 we have made the timing this 
way, so that what we end up in such a way that our advice will be based on 
research and not gossip . . .

 I so to say bring "Karim", the web journalist for the Danish news portal 
ComOn, with me to India. Arun you actually gave him a bed in your apartment 
in Boennerup Strand during the convention at Djursland.
As Karim is from Sauthern Jutland he will be leaving from Hamburg and will 
arrive in Delhi on the 16.th at 7:20 in the morning, while I will be leaving 
from Copenhagen and arrive same day in the evening at 22:05. We both need a 
place to stay while we are in Delhi. And we would like to join a car 
journey, and pay for it, when time is up to go to Dharamsala.
In Dharamsala we also need a place to stay - like Green House -, preferably 
he and I should stay at the same place as we together will be able to report 
on the Internet from the WSFII through the channels of Karim, until he has 
to leave from Delhi by the 28.th of October at 9:15.

If anybody of you (who have local experience) can help Karim and me with 
arranging the following different tasks: The housing in Delhi, the car 
journey to Dharamsala, and the housing in Dharamsala, it will be most 

While I am in India I would like to contribute with my experience on running 
a RSFII since 1993 and on establishing and running huge wireless landscape 
networks since 2000. After the workshop periode it could be concerned about 
the establishment of the RSFII in Radaur and founding of the landscape 
network there.

Unfortunately the answer to my two applications - one for Dharamsala and one 
for Radaur - has been delayed by the fund authority until the 1.st of 
December. I still hope for economical support, and if we get it I hope the 
different partners still will go through with it, even though the projects 
will be postponed to after the WSFII and the workshop periode. Anyway the 
activities in both projects are ment to go on for a whole year. So we ought 
to manage getting delayed support ;-)
But in the time before we get the answers to the applications we at DIIRWB 
will have to contribute based on low budget conditions. As we still haven't 
got any refund from EU here at least 6 month after expected payment - they 
owe us about 100.000 $ by now, and for this reason we are very very low in 
liquidity at this moment. That is why I come alone from DIIRWB, and that is 
why I will contribute by concentrated work for a whole month. So please plan 
together to make the best use of my abilities and background while I am 
available ;-)

With Lots of Smiles  :-)
Yours Sincerely
Mobile: +45 6025 0001

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arun Mehta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 11:16 AM
Subject: your travel plans?

Hi Bjarke,
When do you plan to arrive? I am hoping you will be in Delhi on the 19th,
for the meeting
with the government :-)


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