Neben B.A.T.M.A.N noch eine Entwicklung im Mesh/MANET Routing Bereich... ------------------------ Ursprüngliche Nachricht ------------------------- Betreff: [wsfii-discuss] OLSR-NG kickoff Von: "aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Datum: Mi, 24.01.2007, 12:01 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear reader, we - - a free wireless community network in Vienna - are proud to announce our first official olsr-ng workshop. If you happen to be around in Vienna on * Saturday, 27th of January * 14:00 - 18:00 (going out & party afterwards, open end) then feel invited to join us at our - OLSR- NG project presentation. * Location: Who should attend? ================== * Researchers and students of computer sciences or similar fields who are interested in working in the field of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) * You should be good at C programming in addition What is OLSR-NG? ================ Worldwide, many community WLAN networks work with OLSR (RFC 3626) as a base internal routing protocol (c.f. for a reasonable implementation). However the most commonly used implementation from has - although it is very adaptable and in fact was adapted many times - a few drawbacks which we can notice in real existing WLAN community networks. Thanks to our sponsor (IPA/ we are able to launch a bounty competition for enhancing OLSR. We call this new project "OLSR- NG" (next generation). But you can substitute any name you like - batman-olsrmix or whatever. The point being: >> The very best approaches and patches for OLSR will be rewarded with money prizes in addition <<< The central goals of OLSR-NG are: * scalability: we want to scale up to 1000+ nodes (real world, not simulation) if possible. Simulations will be helpful but won't count. * improve and/or replace the basic algorithms (fisheye/ETX/MPR/...) * improve the C code for the current implementation (+security audit) * write a new RFC from the results we have learned . Details will be presented on Saturday, 27th. of Jan. (language will be english for international guests) Thanks go to and especially (NIC.AT /IPA) who made this possible. ---- snip ---- Program ========== 14:00 opening, general intro, what is freifunk, what is funkfeuer, what is OLSR-NG ? problem description 15:00 break 15:15 intro into OLSR and other MANET protocols (same presentation as dec 2006) 16:00 break 16:15 Detailed Description of the algorithms and currently implemented improvements (ETX,fisheye) 16:45 Code demonstration & analysis (by Bernd Petrovitsch) 16:15 break 17:30 Details of new algorithm ideas... forming of groups for special topics . ... 19:00 going out to a typical "Schnitzelhaus" [1] [1] Adlerhof, Burggasse 51, _______________________________________________ wsfii-discuss mailing list -- Mecklenburgischer Yachtclub Rostock e.V. * versendet über Webmail _______________________________________________ Opennet mailing list Das Archiv der Liste steht unter zur Verfuegung. Alle an die Liste gesendeten Mails werden dort dauerhaft aufbewahrt und angezeigt.