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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jan 18 07:16:12 -0800 
2005 -------
Hello. I have exactly the SAME DEFECT.
So I'll give you more details, config and A CLUE !

1. My config: SuSE Linux 9.2, KDE 3.3.2, PII 400MHz, 256Mb. Former SuSE 9.1,
same defect since quite a time.
2. My OOo: 1.1.4 but same defect under 1.1.3 and perhaps 1.1.2 (NOT BEFORE). I
don't use the quickstarter. My OOo is 100% standard; installed in /opt.
3a. What happens: from time to time part of options are lost, in my user account
& the same in other accounts. This is a RANDOM defect, not a periodic one. It's
quite difficult to determine under which conditions it arises. Every 30-50
restarts, say. 
3b. What happens: The Common.xcu file gets extra-small, 460 bytes, almost empty.
The other options remain unaffected.
4a. What to do !
I made a shell script, & I launch OOo by means of this. Here it is:
############## BEGIN OF SCRIPT
pathOOo=`grep -m1 file $HOME/.sversionrc`
cp $pathopt/Common.xcu $pathopt/Common.xcu.backup
$pathOOo/soffice "$@"
taille=`filesize $pathopt/Common.xcu` 
if [ $taille -le 500 ] ; then 
# call KDE's kdialog utility
kdialog -warningcontinuecancel " just lost its options\n Redo from
last ?"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then cp $pathopt/Common.xcu.backup $pathopt/Common.xcu ; fi
############## END OF SCRIPT

4b. What to do next ?
I suggest that we could handle such misbehaviour in two ways.
- either add a mechanism allowing the user to save her/his preferences [options]
into a file, and later restore her/his choices again
- either modify the 'soffice' shell script so it could take care of the options
files (*.xcu) in a similar way to my own script.

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