To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|41307
                  Summary:|Hebrew character range not properly defined
                Component:|Word processor
                  Version:|OOo 1.1.4
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
              Assigned to:|mru
              Reported by:|shmuelh

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jan 25 10:05:11 -0800 
2005 -------
Hebrew occupies the character range from U+05D0 through 05F1. However, there are
various vowels which are sometimes used, which go from U+05B0 through 05C3. I
find that when I have a word with vowels, OO can on occasion make a word break
at the end of a line between (let's say) a letter of the word and a vowel,
starting the second line with the vowel. As vowels go underneath letters and
don't exist on their own, this makes no sense. In essence, then, all characters
from U+05B0 through U+05F1 or even better, through 060C (also auxiliary
markings) should be recognized as parts of the same word and kept together.

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