To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|55692
                  Summary:|Outline numbering mixed up with paragraph numbering
                Component:|Word processor
                  Version:|OOO 2.0 Beta2
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
              Assigned to:|mru
              Reported by:|dschulten

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Oct  9 09:52:33 -0700 
2005 -------
Outline numbering affects paragraph numbering and vice versa. You switch on one
kind of numbering and the office enables/disables the other kind of numbering, 
If this is a new feature, it is buggy, as it seems:

Create new line
Apply Heading 1
Switch on outline numbering, 1-2-3 for heading 1-10
Go to the end of the line
Hit Enter
-> a new text body paragraph is created, which has a paragraph numbering
Expected: The text body is no heading, so there should not be a numbering

It gets even worse:
Make sure you are in the text body paragraph
Click  numbering on/off icon in order to switch off paragraph numbering for the
text body paragraph
-> the numbering for both (!) paragraphs is removed
Expected: Outline numbering and paragraph numbering should work independently.

I set this to high priority. Numbering seems broken as it is. Numbering is a
basic feature for a word processor, so this problem should by all means be
addressed for the final release.

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