To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|56869
                  Summary:|AutoInput does not honour reproduce case of previous
                  Version:|OOo 2.0 Beta
               OS/Version:|Windows XP
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
              Assigned to:|spreadsheet
              Reported by:|rodchamberlin

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Oct 28 06:25:11 -0700 
2005 -------
NB version may be incorrect (help about shows 1.9.122)

In a new sheet (with autoinsert on) if you insert:

A1: "Test" (return)
A2: "TE" (return) - completes to "TEst"

Note that A2 reads TEst (with both initial letters upper case).  

The documentation suggests:
"AutoInput is case-sensitive. If, for example, you have written "Total" in a
cell, you cannot enter "total" in another cell of the same column without first
deactivating AutoInput."

This would suggest, we would expect to see "Test" rather than "TEst" in cell A2


A3 -> "Test" (return) (or "T" or "Te", or "Tes") gets converted to "TEst".

This means that I can never go back to the original Test entry once I have
entered TEst in the column.

I can't actually work out what rules are used to determine whether the old
version, or new version should be used.  In particular:

B1 -> "alpha"
B2 -> "Al" (return) -> "alpha"
B3 -> "aL" (return) -> "aLpha"
B4 -> "al" (return) -> "aLpha"
B5 -> "AL" (return) -> "ALpha"
B6 -> "al" (return) -> "ALpha"
B7 -> "Al" (return) -> "ALpha"

Either way there should be some consistency, either the case should be
consistent throughout (which is what I understand the documentation as meaning),
or it should be possible without revering to the completion list of entering any
version of the autoinput text.

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