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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Jan 11 05:40:49 -0800 
2006 -------
I have created at attachment. The desired behavior is also explained there.

BTW the dialog is meant for the entire TABLE, not the current row. So it is
non-intuitive if one of the tabs works only for a part of it.

The appearance of this tab certainly does not indicate that it is meant for the
current row. (BTW in case of a selection, the top-left corner is taken as
current cell, and only that row is affected. I don't know if this is the
official definition of "current row" in OOo documents: What if I started the
selection from any of the other 3 corners? Where would my "current row" be?)

Also consider the following:
* No provision to alter several/all rows at once
* After setting a row, there is no provision to proceed to the next row from
within the dialog. After setting the row, the user has to close the dialog,
select the next row in the table and start the dialog (2-3 clicks) all over
again! Imagine a table with 50 rows.

BTW it turns out that my earlier observation of the problem is not accurate. The
problem is of a different nature. Sorry about that!

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