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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Jan 18 00:15:34 -0800 
2006 -------
Raindrops -> mru

Well, I have different understanding about issue-3. Let us explore different
aspects of this particular issue:

Question1: Just WHAT are we trying to keep together?

If we say "keep para1 together with para2", the reason is this:
"The end of para1 is very closely linked with para2; and therefore they must not
be separated."

This is important: Our SOLE objective is to maintain the attachment with para2.

In other words, the command is supposed to act on TWO paragraphs; not on a
SINGLE paragraph. It is NOT a standing instruction to Writer that "This
paragraph contains closely knit concepts. If it is ever split, please keep the
parts together."

In fact, Writer does not have a provision like that.

Question2: Can I separate para1b and para2?

Answer2: In short, NO. See the reasons below--

We had asked Writer to keep para1 with para2.
Why? Because the tail end of para1 dovetails into para2 nicely.

And when we split para1 into para1-a and para1-b, para1-b is same as the TAIL
end of the erstwhile para1. 

So the equation set earlier is not affected: After the split, we MUST keep
para1-b and para2 together.

In other words, the "Keep with the next paragraph" property MUST be passed over
to para1-b.
Question3: "Why not keep para1-a and para1-b together? After all, they WERE
parts of a single paragraph!"

Answer3: In Writer, splitting a paragraph is routine. It does not require
keeping the parts together.

And so it is with para1-a and para1-b also: They are just two paragraphs in the
document. Why should Writer treat them as a special case and try to keep them

Question4. What will happen if we wanted to keep all parts of para1 together?

Answer4: First of all, as answer#1 shows, the focus is on attachment with 
Further, Answer#1 also shows that split parts of para1 are independent
paragraphs. Writer must NOT try to keep them together; as that would be
overstepping the intentions of the user.

But IF done, this does NOT pose any risk. To begin with, very few paragraphs
will have this attribute enabled. Secondly, even if the user splits such
paragraphs, the total length of such paragraphs cannot exceed a page's length.
(It would be logically impossible for the Writer to keep together paragraphs
that run more than a page's length!) So, after a page, Writer would
automatically ignore the property.

So we can go ahead and keep all parts together, PROVIDED THAT we do not lose the
the focus from para2!

Finally, a thought: The way I have recommended, point-2 and point-3 seem to be
identical: In both, we press ENTER at the beginning of a paragraph and expect
that the paragraph BELOW to have the "Keep with the next paragraph" property.

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