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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jan 26 16:09:08 -0800 
2006 -------
I am able to reproduce this defect using Windows XP SP2, openoffice version 
Here are the replication steps:
1.Open a new calc document.
2.Right click on “column A” property, select Format Cells...
3.In the Category drop-down list, select “Percent”. In the Format list, 
select the third option from top. The following format should show up in the 
Format code section: [<-0.1][RED]0.00%;[<0.1][BLACK]0.00%;[GREEN]0.00%
4.Click OK to go back to the document. 
5.Now enter some numbers in column A, the numbers I entered were:-20, -15, -
12, -11, -10, -9, -5, -1, 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 20.
6.Note that some of the auto formatted numbers were displayed wrong.

I performed some follow-up tests as following:
1. I replicated this bug on Linux OS version 2.4.31 and OOo2.0, the defect 
2. I tried to vary the input numbers and found out that apparently the range 
leading to the bug is from -1 to -10. 
3. I tried to vary the Format Cells options. I found that there are also 
problems for the numbers I entered if formatting code is: 
[<-0.2][RED]0.00%;[<0.2][BLACK]0.00%;[GREEN]0.00% or 
[<-0.2][RED]0.00%;[<0.2][BLACK]#.00%;[GREEN]0.00%, which are the forth and the 
fifth option from the Format list. These are the separate issues. 

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