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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Feb  1 02:42:18 -0800 
2006 -------
if the document's language i set to de_AT the sentence "Das Kücken ist zuhaus"
should be correct with de_DE "Kücken" and "zuhaus" must be typos.

Regarding the hyphenation files: de_AT can use the de_DE hyphenation files -
they are *equal*. I don't think there are real de_CH hyphenation patterns -
there are no de_CH TeX hyphenation patterns and probably also no de_CH OOo
hyphenation patterns. One can use the de_DE hyphenation patterns (that's what
everyone did over the years) but as the Swiss don't use ß (sz ligature) but ss
instead, the hyphenation patterns are probably incorrect for some words where ß
is replaced with ss in Swiss. The problem is that the wordlist once used for
creating the German hyphenation pattern is vanished - otherwise recalculating
more precise Swiss patterns would be no propblem.

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