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User bm changed the following:

                  What    |Old value                 |New value
                    Status|NEW                       |STARTED
                Issue type|DEFECT                    |FEATURE
          Target milestone|OOo 2.0.3                 |OOo 3.0

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Feb  2 01:23:16 -0800 
2006 -------
The depth is not really implemented in Chart. The problem is that the 3d effects
dialog offers the extrusion depth and we cannot disable this feature there. The
problem with this feature is that the effects dialog applies an extrusion depth
to a single drawing shape. You can for example set the extrusion of a bar in a
deep bar chart. Then you might get interleaving bars, which usually is not what
you want. You can also set the depth of the floor.

The problem with draw shapes is that they are, in principle, only temporary view
objects used for rendering. Changing them does not automatically influence the
model (basically the stuff that is saved in a file).

So, I would change this issue to Feature for OOo 3.0. There, we think about a
specification about which objects will offer a depth property, and in what range
it has to lie (A depth of "2cm"  makes less sense and is less usable than "20%"
of a defined maximum depth.)

Note, that for the file format there exist "draw:extrusion-depth" in the
"draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" as well as "dr3d:depth" in the
"style-graphic-properties-attlist". But we should probably use a new
"chart:depth" or "chart:object-depth" property. Be careful not to mix up with
the existing boolean property "chart:deep" for deep stacking in 3d charts.

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