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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Feb 12 17:24:22 -0800 
2005 -------
I second that enhancement suggestion. OOo grabbing focus this way is highly
annoying behavior.
And it is dangerous, too, for since OOo grabs focus unregarding of your current
typing activity, it can jump (and has) into the foreground while you are typing
away in another application.
Depending on what keystrokes are caught, this could lead to very strange and
unwelcome behavior too fast and unreproduceable for the user who was expecting
the text to land somewhere else.
And then he has to figure out what it has done to OOo, where the untitled files
was saved to and under what name and so on.
Not good.

It is possible that this concerns all automatically popping dialog boxes in OOo.
Highly annoying and unnecessary.

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