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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Feb 18 04:43:47 -0800 
2005 -------
Since some folks still argument that a viewer is not needed, here are collected
arguments that support the need:

* The full OpenOffice is 70MB and downloading it just to view an SXW is not an
option for dial-up users

* When you are in an Internet cafe, you probably don't have the rights to
install software. You could, however, download and run the viewer if it was just
a simple ready-to execute single binary (e.g. ooviewer.exe for Win32)

* Distributing PDFs/Flash intead of SXWs/SXCs is not always an option, since:
1) PDFs are always waaaaay bigger than corresponding SXWs/SXCs because of
embedded fonts, weaker image compression etc.
2) What if the person viewing the document decides she/he wants to make some
corrections and send it back? With SXW/SXC there's always an option of getting
OpenOffice and editing the document easily.
PDF's are mostly read-only, since they are actually ready-to-print, compiled
documents with absolute positioning and without information about text flow etc.
You can only annotate PDFs with some tools, but not edit them or retrieve the
source document with all formatting etc.

There SHOULD be lightweight viewers for .SXW, .SXC, possibly .SXD and .SXI.
The OpenOffice project would be the best place to collect such subprojects,
instead of relying on others to implement these.

I vote for reopening this bug, possibly setting the target to a distant future.

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