To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                 Issue #|68812
                 Summary|Simultaneous modification of several equations by edit
                        |ing only one
                 Version|OOo 2.0
       Status whiteboard|
              Issue type|DEFECT
             Assigned to|wg
             Reported by|123ooofree

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Aug 20 19:24:39 -0700 
2006 -------
Below please find a bug report for OO-Impress & Math.

Attached please find also a snippet of the presentation
in which the bug occurred. The snippet is stripped down
to show only the bug.

OO version in which this appeared:
Version     : 2.0.0
Release     : 1.2
Vendor: SUSE LINUX 10.0
Source RPM: OpenOffice_org-2.0.0-1.2.src.rpm

I consider the bug to be severe.
It ruins your whole presentation.

Brief description:
Upon editing *one* of several disjoint equations on
a slide, *other* equations on that same slide will
also change 'miraculously' more or less according to
the changes made in the actual equation you are editing.

Detailed description:
Please open the attached Impress file. It contains only
one example of the many places in a 30-slide presentation
in which this bug occurs.

You see two 'equations':
| psi_1 > =     | psi_1 > =

Select the right of those two equations and open it in the
equation editor. Change the index '1' into '2' and close
the equation editor, such as to get:
| psi_1 > =     | psi_2 > =

However, on my screen, both, in the normal editing mode of
the presentation, as well as in the slide show, the slide
now reads:
| psi_2 > =     | psi_2 > =

I.e., the left equation has 'somehow absorbed' the changes made
to the right one. You can convince yourself of that by opening
the left equation in the equation editor. Indeed it will have an
index '2' by now.
This can be made worse. Open the right equation for a 2nd
time an replace the whole equation simply by the letter,
say 'a' and close the equation editor.
Now, on my screen and both, in the normal editing mode of the
presentation, as well as in the slide show, the slide will
not read
| psi_2 > =     a
a               a
where the left 'a' is strangely rescaled.

Deleting, say, just the right equation and rewriting it looks
like a cure at first sight. However, after saving and reopening
the document also the left equation has 'disappeared'.

The last resort seems to delete all equations from the
presentation and write them all anew :-(

In summary, the presentation behaves as if disjoint
equations are 'somehow' linked to each other ???

Unfortunately I can not give a description of the action
which may have induced this behavior. It just 'crept into'
the presentation at some point that I can not pin down.


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