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User gh changed the following:

                What    |Old value                 |New value
                      CC|'icobgr,ihi'              |'icobgr,ihi,vagula'

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Dec 29 02:11:10 -0800 
2006 -------
the problem is that when merging the localize.sdf file the escaping of the "
(double quote) is reversed. But that of the single quote is not. (it is the same
anyway if a single quote is escaped or not) So in this case the translator gets
confused, seeing an escaped qoute and escapes it too in her translation.

I agree with you vagula that is is rather a problem of the sourcestring. Maybe
it should get enforced not to escape single quotes as it is unnecessary.

so bst would be to integrate that in the ressource compiler.

These thoughts are only about src files, I am not sure about other filetypes
which have to get translated

about gsicheck: I could include a part which checks for escaped and unescaped
single and double quotes in source and translation and then checks if the same
amount of equivalent qoutes is present in both strings. 'Equivalent' would be
according to the following table:
left side is the source and right side the translation it requires

\" -> \"
' or \' or "  -> ' or \' or "

additionally the part between \" and \" could be checked for equality.

adding vagula to cc

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