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User andreschnabel changed the following:

                What    |Old value                 |New value
                      CC|'kpalagin'                |'andreschnabel,kpalagin'
          Ever confirmed|                          |1
                  Status|UNCONFIRMED               |NEW
                Keywords|needmoreinfo              |oooqa
                Priority|P4                        |P3
                 Summary|Copy Format doesn't work p|Copy format on characters 
                        |roperly                   |removes paragraph formatti
                        |                          |ng

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Jan  8 04:40:20 -0800 
2007 -------
I can confirm wit OOo 2.1 and 2.0.4 on WinXP and linux

Easy to reproduce:
- create a Writer Document with at least two paragraphs
- change the font (or font sice) of the second paragraph (use direct forat, not
a style)
- select one word in the first (unchanged) paragraph (you may change font / size
for this word)
- copy format to any word in the second paragraph

-> the formatting will be correctly applied to the word, but all other
charecters of the paragraph will loose the former formatting 

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