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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Feb  9 23:50:40 +0000 
2007 -------

comments from issue 39271 re-included here, as they are pertinent

The caveman's typesetter, Latex, for example has a way of creating inline
equations by using a "$" notation example: "The formula $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ is
known as Pythagoras's equation". Text separated and multi-line equations have
their own markup \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} and  \begin{eqnarray[*]}
... \end{eqnarray[*]}. The nature of latex is such that there need not be
software intelligence as to when to do what, because the the users actually
doing all the work.  Thats not the paradigm of modern day software.

Automatically determine the mode of the formula editor, whether it is in
text-mode/normal, is a very practical feature to avoid several thought
distracting mouse clicks when creating mathematical documents with several

Open Office writer can be smart an embed the formula object in textmode setting
whenever the user is typing in a paragraph (taking cue from the text style
setting) and embed the formula object in normal mode when the style setting is
equation or something, or when the embed formula macro "type fn, select 
it,press F3"

writer/formula editor groups, might have to work together to make a useful and
practical feature possible.

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