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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 19 12:12:32 +0000 
2007 -------
So, it looks like we would need a setting to switch between "Left to Right" and
"Right to Left" for titles, axis labels, the legend (single legend entries) and
data series/points (for data labels).

For titles, we have an alignment tab-page in the object properties that could be
extended. For the other objects we would have to find a suitable place.

The setting that can be set in such a control would then be applied to the
drawing-layer shapes, which use the edit-engine for rendering, so we would get
the correct direction.

Retrieving the current setting from the cell is a bit more difficult, as the
data transfer interface (new chart) currently only allows passing the content as
string or number, and the number format. Maybe we could live without this
automatism in the first step of implementation.

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