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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 26 18:15:25 +0000 
2007 -------
I discussed in issue 75493 (now closed) a method to enhance the printing /
exporting to pdf of various spreadsheet documents.

I will add those comments to this issue and also expand on some other related


When printing / exporting as pdf, I would like to suppress trailing empty pages.

Trailing empty pages are empty pages at the *END of the document*, so they are
almost always annoying. Please note, that this issue is *NOT trivial*.

Unfortunately, when I export dozens of pages, I select to have the *page number*
and the *total number of pages* in the footer. The total number
of pages will count these empty pages, too. Therefore, even IF I manually select
which pages to export to pdf, the *total number of pages* will include these
empty pages. The workaround *define the print range* is really tedious for
anything having more than just a few pages.

IF this is an official document, then the total number of pages will point to
non-existent pages, which will make Calc pretty useless in official settings.
[Documents from governmental sources ALWAYS contain the total number of pages
explicitly stated, so that, whatever page is available, the reader knows how
many pages the document should have.]

A checkbox with *Strip trailing empty pages* seems a really fine solution [this
is NOT equivalent to 'Strip ALL empty pages'].

There are a number of types of empty pages:

a.) There are pages that are completely empty, NO hidden cell content, NO EMPTY
cells, NO formulas (evaluating to nothing), NO formatting, nothing.
 - e.g. when the text of row 1 extends beyond the width of one page,
 - YET rows 2-xxxx do NOT extend beyond the width of a page
 => row 1 will occupy page 1 and page n
 => rows 2-xxx pring on pages 1 through n-1
 => pages n+1 to 2*(n-1) will be completely empty
    (just annoying footer and header)

b.) Pages that contain formulas that evaluate to empty.
 - NO visible elements
 - yet cells are NOT empty (contain formulas OR references that evaluate to 

c.) Pages that contain graphical formatting, yet contain NO other data.
 - e.g. contain various table borders set
   BUT NO elements [and neither images/charts]

These are 3 common types of empty pages which should be possible to suppress
*selectively*. [By combining the latter 2 varieties, a number of other
possibilities arise.]

This could be implemented in the following way: when Calc generates the page, it
should set for every page the following properties:
 a.) does the page display any data (including charts)?
 b.) does the page display any graphical elements?
     [excluding proper/printable data]
 c.) does the page contain other elements (e.g. formulas)?

 d.) store last NON-EMPTY page
     IF a page contains (a.) then any previous EMPTY pages are NOT trailing
pages; ANY page up to 'last NON-EMPTY page' is NOT a trailing empty page

It would be really helpful to extend Calc to support all these features.

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