I am looking for responses from a larger number of participants who have contributed to an open source project where usability is considered. As a graduate student in the College of IST at Penn State University, I am researching the role of usability expertise in Free/Libre/Open source Software (FLOSS) projects. This includes looking at how usability issues are handled. Responses from developers and usability engineers are essential, as well as from other contributors, including users and user/developers. The survey will take no longer than 15 to 20 minutes, and your responses will help me (and others) understand how open source contributors approach usability in FLOSS projects. If you would like to complete the survey, please go to: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=gAODMj1MTFDFfAxhbOUXcg%3d%3d At the end of the survey you will have to option to participate later in an interview and/or to receive the results of the survey. Thanks in advance for your participation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Paula Bach Paula M. Bach, PhD Candidate http://cscl.ist.psu.edu/public/users/pbach/index.html Computer-Supported Collaboration and Learning Lab Penn State Human Computer Interaction Center College of Information Sciences and Technology The Pennsylvania State University