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User bm changed the following:

                What    |Old value                 |New value
             Assigned to|bm                        |tl

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Dec  4 12:20:16 +0000 
2007 -------
->TL: Well, technically there might be a difference, but from a user's
perspective I don't see any logic behind the behavior. Maybe the problem is that
in step 2., where you deactivate the chart, the selection is not set to the
embedded object but to the chart object. Is there any situation, where it would
make sense to have different context menus in both situations? E.g., an external
OLE object? And is there any obvious way for the user to find out when to get
which context menu? I mean you would find out by trial and error.

In Calc, there is only one type of context menu (which contains the Name, so I
suppose it is the EmbeddedObject context menu).

I find the current behavior disturbing, but it is not dramatic. So, if a fix for
this seems to complicated or risky, I have no problems with closing issue, but
if it is easy we should fix it. ->TL:  please decide.

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