To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                 Issue #|85690
                 Summary|RAND() Rounding off
                 Version|OOo 2.3.1
              OS/Version|Windows XP
       Status whiteboard|
              Issue type|DEFECT
             Assigned to|spreadsheet
             Reported by|player001

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jan 29 19:24:34 +0000 
2008 -------
It seems that Calc doesn't manage to compare exactly a rand() value to a number
equal or lower than 1E-6. Indeed, the rand() used to compare looks rounded off
in a too high number.

Let's take:

p=1E-7 in Cell B1
enter in A1: IF(RAND()<$B$1;1;0)
Copy-paste until A10000
Set Cell A100001: =Sum of the numbers below

Now let's update the page with F9. You must notice you have about a "1", in the
sum, every 10 tries.
Nevertheless, we should have, in the average : 10000*1E-7=1E-3  which is to say
we should only have one match for 1000 tries.
You'll notice that using p=1E-9 or 1E-10, or whatever lower, gives you, in the
average, such results.

In Basic this loop generates the same results:

    For i=1 to 10 000     'or as much as you want
          If RND()<1E-7 Then
          m=m+1     'i choosed m cause I used that loop to calculte the number
of mutations given by bacterias with a p rate very low

          End if
    Next i

I checked out that defect with another version (2.3.0 English), on another
computer (still XP). The defect must be due to rounding off errors as I've ever
heard, alas ! that Calc had had difficulties rounding numbers close to the
digits limit (cf. Euler  Estimate).

PS: I apologize if it seems confused due to my english, just ask me.

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