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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jan 31 16:45:27 +0000 
2008 -------
You're absolutely right, the Arial and Times fonts were replaced through their
Nimbus equivalent, 
Nimbus Roman No9 L and
Nimbus Sans L
which have definitely very different metrics. Especially line spacing is far
bigger, but the metric is overall very different.

So I tried some fonts. 

Liberation Sans 
(and Liberation Serif for "Times")
The metrics are really the same!
And Red Hat's Liberation Fonts are GPL!

MgOpen Moderna & FreeSans 
(both have the same metric, smaller line spacing than Arial does)

BitStream Vera Sans or DejaVu Sans 
(both have the same metric, bigger line spacing than Arial does)

Nimbus sans L
(far bigger line spacing than Arial does)

As these are all font familys, it would be great to replace the matching for
Arial, Times and Mono/Courier.

I would of course recommand to replace all the matching by the Liberation font
family, as they are more than GPLed. (GPL + Font exception to make them even
"more" free!)

Are they stoppers for this idea?

I hope this great problem for OOo & Linux can be solved!

PS. See this small article on this topic:

PPS. I'm not a Red Hat fanatic or anything, I just tried these fonts today and
they seem to be a really great equivalent to MS fonts, AND a "free" solution to
this problem!

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