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------- Additional comments from Mon Aug 31 15:23:17 
+0000 2009 -------
I wish to call into question a fundamental assumption that has been made about 
this effort, the assumption that has held up development for years: that 
multiple layout capability must exist before outline view can be useful.

This is holding up outline view because multiple layout capability (issue 
is a big effort, and it, in turn, requires refactoring of writer's usage of the 
drawing layer (issue 100875) and the latter has some significant technical 
difficulties. It seems unlikely that these issues will be finished soon.

The logic behind this assumption is that switching views will take too long if 
multiple layouts are not possible and/or most users will need simultaneous 
viewing for outline view to be useful. I disagree with both these assertions. 

1. Simultaneous viewing is not necessary. I have been using Word's outline view 
extensively for years without simultaneous viewing. Even though it's possible 
with split screens, it takes up screen real estate that I want to use 

2. It won't take that long to switch layouts. For starters, even with multiple 
layouts the initial delay will be encountered. After that the delays will be 
small. On my two-year-old low-end desktop computer using Windows Xp, an open 
instance of will load a 75K-word, 178-page document in two 
seconds. A more typical 8.3k-word, 31 page document loads in less than one 
second. These are clearly upper bounds for the time to completely recalculate 
the layout, since other functions are included in docuument opening as well.

I, for one, would much rather have an outline view soon, one that takes a 
of seconds to switch, and which is available only as a single view, than wait 
the extra time it is going to take for the multiple-layout refactoring to be 
finished. That would be enough for me for a long time.

This is a case of "perfect" being the enemy of "good enough". Let's just have 
"good enough" for a while first.

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