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------- Additional comments from Thu Sep 24 15:11:14 +0000 
2009 -------
re 4; The difference between libxmlsec and libxml/libxslt/etc is that libxmlsec
is no longer truly "libxmlsec" as its been modified significantly and isn't
interchangeable with an external libxmlsec of equal version.

re 5: A real-world example of where this happens (maybe in the past I think but
someone on solaris with gnome can check this by enabling the gtk file dialog) is
the bundled with OOo. It was tweaked to always build in one fixed
endian mode regardless of platform and so when using the gtk file picker the
internal libjpeg instead of the system libjpeg gets used for the preview code
and the rgb/bgr colours are reversed when you preview a jpg/png.

If libxmlsec isn't modded to behave differently than the original the problem
would go away, so too would making it have a different soname than the original,
which would probably be an excellent thing to do for all the external modules,
but hard. Making it a static lib is the other easiest way to achieve that.

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